We could all use more time each day. And with knowledge workers spending more than 7 hours a day managing email, the search for the perfect "Inbox Zero" solution is alive and well.
From color-coded labels to complex filters, teams have been devising systems to manage their inboxes faster for decades. We’ve built many of these into Front by design: condition-based rules, tags, and folders that help teams organize their shared inbox and route messages efficiently.
Say hello to our Zapier integration
Now, we’re introducing new ways to automate your day with our Zapier integration. Whether you’re an experienced developer or have never used automation tools, Zapier makes it easy for you to build powerful workflows with Front — no code required.
Zapier’s plug-and-play Zap builder connects Front with hundreds of apps in a few simple steps. Spend less time duplicating work across tools, and make your Front inbox an even more productive place to be.

Need some ideas?
Here are a few example Zaps to help you get started:
Setting up Zapier
Team admins can enable the Zapier integration for their team in their Front Settings, and the whole team can start building Zaps with Front from there. Just log into your Zapier account, choose Front in the Zapbook, and follow the guided setup flow.
Don’t forget to give us a shout about your favorite Zaps and what other integrations you’d like to see!
Written by Sarah Spangenberg
Originally Published: 17 April 2020