Support Report

Turn your customer experience into a competitive advantage

Publish your real-time service metrics to use them as a marketing tool. Increase transparency, build trust, and close deals faster with Support Report.

Powering best-in-class service for more than 8,500 companies

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When customers see clear, data-backed insights into the quality and speed of support, it reassures them that you prioritize their satisfaction. It creates accountability for your team, sets clear expectations for customers, and showcases your commitment to delivering amazing support.

Steve Baker, Support ManagerArchetype Themes logo

Showcase your exceptional CX with Support Report

Share key performance metrics with leads, prospects, and customers

Choose which support metrics to publish like response time and CSAT. Your charts update automatically every day and show the last 90 days of performance.

Highlight your support philosophy

Write up a quick explainer on the value of great support for your business, and consider linking to your G2 or other review site listings for even more validation.

Promote your self-service content

With Support Report built directly into your Knowledge Base, customers and prospects can see all the ways you support them—from in-depth written guides to AI Answers on chat to lightning-fast email replies.

Publish your Support Report in minutes

  1. Pick your public metrics

    Select which metrics you’d like to show off: first response time, average response time, and CSAT. You can even segment by channel to showcase metrics for chat and email separately.

  2. Style to match your brand look and feel

    Customize your Support Report with your Knowledge Base branding to match your logo, brand colors, and more.

  3. Publish and promote

    Set your Support Report live and easily share the link with leads, prospects, and customers to showcase the experience you’ll deliver.

At StoriiCare, delivering great support is at the heart of what we do. Being open with our metrics builds trust with clients, showing them the reliability and care they can expect from us. We’re proud to showcase the service that drives our growth, and Support Report makes that simple.

Cameron Graham, Co-founder & CEO
