How to deliver above and beyond support for every customer, every time

Andrea Lean

Andrea Lean,

Senior Content Editor

1 July 20240 min read

The quality of the conversations between you and your customers can be tracked by your internal quality score (IQS). Not sure what yours is? Model your internal QA process after our award-winning support team.

Make room, CSAT and NPS! There’s an equally important metric you should be tracking to make sure your customer service is truly 5 stars all-around.

Enter IQS: your internal quality score. This is an internal measurement of the quality of your team’s customer interactions.

You can determine your IQS through a customer service quality assurance (QA) process, which is where you regularly review the conversations between your customers and your team against your own standards. 

Setting quality standards to start tracking IQS

At Front, our QA process is driven by our core company values: transparency, collaboration, care, high standards, and low ego. Our award-winning support team performs QA every week to make sure we’re maintaining high standards and continuously going above and beyond for our customers whenever they reach out for support.

We use an internal quality scorecard to review each conversation and calculate our IQS. We’re not kidding around when it comes to meeting our high bar for service quality (or other support metrics for that matter), which is why we set our IQS OKR at 99% and report out on it on a monthly and quarterly basis.

A behind-the-scenes look at Front’s QA process

We have an average of 1,200 conversations per week across our customer communication channels, and roughly 2% of our emails and chats undergo QA with our scorecard. Three support managers review about six conversations a week, one from each of our 19 support agents. 

Our support team has built an automated QA process using Front rules to select conversations that meet our criteria:

✅ Reached resolution

✅ Involved at least two replies

✅ Occurred within the last week

❎ Excludes unqualified conversations like feature requests

Once a conversation is tagged at random by the rule, it creates a Discussion between the manager and the support agent for the conversation to be scored against four attributes: accuracy, tone, clarity, and above & beyond.

Here’s an example discussion that kicks off QA

Averaging all of your scorecard ratings reveals your IQS, which is helpful to follow conversation quality trends and see your service quality at a glance.

Want step-by-step instructions on how to calculate your IQS? Download the guide to learn how to build your own customer service QA scorecard — template included!

guide: How to build a customer service QA scorecard

Your internal quality score (IQS) helps you understand the quality of the conversations between your customers and your customer service team. Model your internal QA process after our award-winning support team’s scorecard template.

Written by Andrea Lean

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